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Q: What is the function of glotis and epiglotis?
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What is a flap of tissue that closes the passage to the trachea and lungs?

It is the epiglottis.

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What is the flap tissue that closes the passage to the trachea and lungs?


What prevents water from entering your lungs when you drink?

backward movement of epiglotis

How do you spell epiglotis?

The epiglottis is a lid-like flap of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a mucous membrane, attached to the root of the tongue.One can spell it either way: epiglotis or epiglottis.

What keeps food from coming down a windpipe?

A small muscle in the back of your throat called the epiglotis.

What is the opening into the trachea?

The epiglotis or the fapping thing to stop food going down the trachea.The correct spelling is "epiglottis".

What Prevents aspiration of food into trachea?

Several protective mechanisms prevent the aspiration of food into the trachea. These include the epiglottis, which covers the trachea during swallowing, the coordination of muscle contractions in the throat to direct food into the esophagus, and the cough reflex to expel any foreign material that might enter the trachea.

Muslcle hole that opens into your windpipe?

The muscle hole that opens into your windpipe is called the epiglottis. It is a flap of cartilage that prevents food and liquid from entering your windpipe when you swallow, instead directing them towards your esophagus.

What are the two branches of windpipe?

The two branches of the trachea (windpipe) are the left bronchus and the right bronchus. The bronchi lead into each lung, and are a part of the respiratory system.

Which of the following organs is noticeably more prominet in men than in women?

An organ that is much more noticeable in men than women is the larynx. This is also called the "Adam's apple". Other organs in only men that can be seen are the penis and testicles.