

What is the function of kapok?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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It is the light wareproof silky fibres that surround the seeds of certain trees |(kapoa) and used as padding or filler for soft toys, pillows, cushions etc

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Q: What is the function of kapok?
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What is kapok dispersed by?

Kapok is dispersed by splitting

Fabric obtained from the fruit of the kapok tree?

Kapok Fibre

How does a kapok tree reproduce?

when the kapok pops, its seeds go all over the place and then it will grow on a new kapok tree (i think =.=)

What lives with or on the kapok tree Does moss live on the kapok tree or do snakes live on the kapok tree?

Many different species live on or around the kapok tree. Moss could potentially grow on the bark of a kapok tree, especially in humid environments. Snakes may also inhabit kapok trees to seek shelter or prey on animals that visit the tree.

Are there any health hazards working with kapok fibers?

The health hazards that exist for working with Kapok fibers are only hazardous when the Kapok is burned. The fibers could be toxic. Kapok fibers are hypoallergenic and usually harmless.

How are kapok fruits seeds dispersed?

seeeds of kapok tree are dispersed by wind

When was The Great Kapok Tree created?

The Great Kapok Tree was created in 1990.

What is molecular number for kapok seed oil?

The molecular formula for kapok seed oil is C57H108O6.

How tall is a kapok tree?

A mature kapok tree may be 60 - 70 m.

Do kapok flowers hang downward?

Kapok is the most common name for the tree, the flowers 'hang down.'

Kapok is a fluffy material which is used for stuffing furniture it comes from the silk c.tree?

Kapok is a fluffy, buoyant fiber obtained from the seed pods of the kapok tree. It is lightweight, water-resistant, and hypoallergenic, making it ideal for stuffing pillows, mattresses, and upholstery. The kapok tree, also known as the silk cotton tree, is native to tropical regions in Asia and the Americas.

Were Kapok Vests Bulletproof?
