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Q: What is the function of mitichondria?
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It is the "powerhouse of the cell."

What is a good analogy for mitichondria?

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Is RNA found in mitochondria?

Yes, RNA is found in mitochondria. Mitochondria contain their own DNA and RNA, which are essential for the organelle to produce proteins needed for the cell's energy production through aerobic respiration. Mitochondrial RNA is involved in the translation of proteins within the organelle.

From whoom you will get mitichondria?

You inherit mitochondria from your mother. These organelles have their own DNA separate from the nuclear DNA, and they are passed down from generation to generation through the maternal line.

How is dizziness related to mitochondrial disorder?

Dizziness in mitochondrial disorders can be caused by impaired function in the part of the inner ear that helps maintain balance (vestibular system) or by decreased blood flow to the brain due to poor mitochondrial function. Mitochondria provide energy to cells, including those in the inner ear and brain, so dysfunction can lead to various symptoms, including dizziness.

Why might a cell that moves by means of cilia or flagella contain many mitichondria?

Kickin incredibly dope shut since 92 thumps up

Where is the mitichondria found?

Mitochondria are found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. They are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because they are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration.

What are the organelles functions?

Organelles are specialized structures within cells that perform specific functions. For example, the nucleus contains genetic material and controls cell activities, mitochondria produce energy in the form of ATP, and the Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins for transport. Each organelle plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall function and health of the cell.

What are the stacks of membrane covered sacs that package and transport protein to the outside of the cell called?

The stacks of membrane-covered sacs that package and transport proteins to the outside of the cell are called Golgi apparatus or Golgi bodies. They receive proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, modify them, and package them into vesicles for transport.