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p-aminodimethylaniline oxalate

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Q: What is the function of p-aminodimethylaniline oxalate?
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How does the oxalate ion function as a bidentate ligand in coordination chemistry?

The oxalate ion acts as a bidentate ligand in coordination chemistry by forming two bonds with a central metal ion. This allows the oxalate ion to coordinate with the metal ion from two different directions, creating a stable complex.

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The product of aluminium hydroxide and oxalic acid is aluminium oxalate, while the product of aluminium oxalate and potassium oxalate is potassium oxalate and aluminium oxalate.

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The chemical abbreviation for Ferric Ammonium Oxalate is FeNH4C2O4.

What is the common name of aluminum oxalate?

The common name of aluminum oxalate is aluminum oxalate.

What is the name of CuC2O4?

Copper Oxalate

What is symbol of oxalate?

The symbol for oxalate ion is C2O4^2-.

How do you name Ba C2O4 2?

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How can you separate ferrous oxalate from titanium oxalate?

If you want to separate ferrous oxalate from titanium oxalate, you need to put them in an alkaline solution and introduce heat. They should break apart into their two respective oxolates.

What is oxalate in chemistry?

Oxalate is a salt or ester of oxalic acid. In chemistry, oxalate typically refers to the oxalate ion, which has a chemical formula of C2O4^2-. Oxalate ions can form complexes with metal ions and are commonly found in foods like spinach and rhubarb.

What is the valency and formula of oxalate?

Oxalate has a valency of 2-. Its chemical formula is C2O4^2-.

Is there a different between potassium oxalate and potassium acid oxalate?

Yes, there is a difference between potassium oxalate and potassium acid oxalate. Potassium oxalate is the neutral salt of oxalic acid, while potassium acid oxalate is the acidic form of the salt that contains an additional hydrogen ion. This difference affects their chemical properties and reactions.

What is the formula for ferric oxalate?

The formula for ferric oxalate is Fe(C2O4)3.