

What is the function of plumage?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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10y ago

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It is to attract members of the opposite gender, for mating.

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How can you use plumage in a sentence?

The peacock had beautiful plumage.

Is plumage an adverb an adjective or a verb?

Plumage is a noun.

How do you put the word plumage in a sentence?

Plumage means the "feathers on a bird"An example would be, "The plumage on that peacock was incredibly large."

What are birds plumage?

Plumage is what you would call a bird feathers. For example, the peacock has very beautiful, and colorful plumage.

What does plumage mean?

Feathers. When you say "The parrot has beautiful plumage" you mean it has beautiful feathers.

What is a sentence using the word plumage?

You need an answer using the word plumage.

What is a sentence for the word plumage?

The answer is:There is a huge plumage in the barn."The bird's lovely plumage danced in the sunlight before it got sucked into the airplane's engines."

What is the duration of The Bird with the Crystal Plumage?

The duration of The Bird with the Crystal Plumage is 1.63 hours.

When was The Bird with the Crystal Plumage created?

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage was created on 1970-02-19.

How do use the word plumage in a sentence?

The peacock had a very colourful plumage.The display of plumage worked, the hen was interested in him.

What are the release dates for Borrowed Plumage - 1917?

Borrowed Plumage - 1917 was released on: USA: 29 July 1917