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Q: What is the function of rigth artrium?
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rigth artrium> rigth ventricle> pulmonary artery> lungs>pulmonary veins> left artrium

What does the right atrium do?

Rigth atrium receives unoxygenated blood from superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. from rigth Atrium blood drains to the rigth ventricle through tricuspid valve. Atrium function as prime pumps.

How does the sinus venosus function in a frog?

sinus Venuses recives De-oxygenated blood fromtwo superior vsna cavae and one inferior vena cava and then pass this blood to right artrium

my rigth and leg always feel as asleep?

my rigth and leg always feel as asleep

When the left artrium receives blood from the lungs via vessels identified as?


What blood does the left and rigt artrium collects?

i think its the blue orchid blood.

Arrange the following words to correct flow of blood through the heart superior vena cava right ventricle left ventricle right artrium left artrium pulmonary vein pulmonary artery aorta?

i no tink i no

Cross multiplication means that you multiply?

The numerator on the left side by the denominator on the rigth side, and the denominator on the left side by the numerator on the rigth side.

How many chambers in the wolf heart?

3 right atrium, left artrium and ventricle

Why is the guy to my rigth gay?

because he is a kyle

93 as a fraction?

boop that's not rigth

Is mindless behavior dating anybody?

no but there looking for mrs. rigth so the qustion is r u mrs. rigth yes yes im mrs.rights