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Q: What is the function of sacral median crest?
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How does the median sacral crest on the sacrum differ from the same structure on lumbar vertebrae?

The median sacral crest on the sacrum is a bony ridge formed by fusion of sacral vertebrae, indicating where the individual vertebrae once were. In contrast, the median sacral crest on lumbar vertebrae does not exist, as lumbar vertebrae do not fuse in the same way as sacral vertebrae.

What is the medial ridge along the posterior surface of the sacrum?

sacral crest

What are the medial ridges along the sacrum called?

The medial ridges along the sacrum are called the sacral crest. It is a series of tubercles that represent the processes of the sacral vertebrae.

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what is the function of the median nerve

What Supplies blood to the sacrum and coccyx?

Median Sacral Artery. Always double check your answers!

What artery supplies blood to the sacrum and coccyx?

Median Sacral Artery. Always double check your answers!

What is the function of sacral nerve?

Autonomic nerve function in body

How do you calculate the median using Excel?

The median can be calculated using the Median function. Assuming the values you wanted the median of were in cells B2 to B20, you could use the function like this: =MEDIAN(B2:B20)

What is the function of the sacral plexus?

Send impulses to the posterior side of the thigh.

What is the function of the medial nerve?

The median nerve provides sensory and motor function to the hand and forearm. It innervates muscles involved in flexion of the wrist and fingers, as well as sensation to the palm and fingers. Injury to the median nerve can result in weakness, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers.

What is sacral nerve stimulation?

Sacral nerve stimulation is a treatment for overactive bladder and urinary incontinence. It involves implanting a device that sends electrical impulses to the sacral nerves, which can help regulate bladder function and reduce symptoms of urinary urgency or frequency.

What is the main function of the sacral plexus?

The main function of the sacral plexus is to provide motor and sensory innervation to the pelvis and lower limbs. It controls the muscles of the hip, thigh, leg, and foot, as well as providing sensation to these areas.