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Q: What is the function of t square?
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What are the function of a t-square?

A T-square is a piece of apparatus used by people making mechanical drawings; it is used for measurements in plans. They are usually made of wood, plastic or metal in a triangular shape with a 30, 60 or two 45-degree angles.

What is an example program in c plus plus to square a number using the concept of an inline function?

... double squareOf_Number(double Number){return (Number*Number);} main(){...double Number = 0;...printf("Enter a number: ");cin >> Number;...printf("Square of %f is %f\n", Number, squareOf_Number(Number));...}Or you can include #include and use the function pow(double a, double b) which returns a^b.

What is the area for a square?

Area = t2 (t multiplied by t) ,where t = length of the square's side

How do you factor 19 - t squared?

(the square root of 19 - t)(t + the square root of 19)

What is the function of a T-square?

In Drafting, the T-Square acts as a Reference Frame for the drawing to be made. The edge that rides along the drafting table or board is a perfect 90o to the blade. The Paper is first aligned (squared up) with the T-Square's top edge. Then any lines drawn against the blade are perfectly parallel to it. Using Plastic Triangles of various types, angled lines can be drawn that are true to the reference line of the T-Square. In this manner realistic and accurate 'mechanical" drawings can be made. If the drawing is removed from the table it can be easily remounted using the T-Square as a Reference.

What is a periodic function?

f is a periodic function if there is a T that: f(x+T)=f(x)

How could you use t-square in a sentence?

Please hand me the T-square.

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What is the Matlab code to generate a square wave?

Here is an example Matlab code to generate a square wave with a frequency of 1 Hz, a duration of 1 second, and an amplitude of 1: t = 0:0.001:1; % time vector from 0 to 1 second with a step of 0.001 f = 1; % frequency of the square wave (1 Hz) x = square(2*pi*f*t); % generate the square wave plot(t, x); % plot the square wave This code uses the square function in Matlab to generate the square wave and the plot function to visualize it.