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The function of the auricularis muscle group is to adjust the scalp and the ear in order to hear sounds better. Most of the muscles in this group are generally thin and shaped like a fan near the ear cartilage.

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Q: What is the function of the auricularis?
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1. Appendix 2. Coccyx 3. Wisdom tooth 4. Muscles of ear 5. Nictitating Memrane of eye 6. Few other muscles: Plantaris, Auricularis, Palmaris longus.

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Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.Such a function does not exist for English. A function call BAHTTEXT will do it for the Thai language.

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The IF function is the main function to do it and you can also use other logical functions, like the AND function, the OR function or the NOT function.