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predicate adjective

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Q: What is the function of the complement shown in After graduation the seniors were jubilant?
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What is the function of the complement in parentheses in this sentence After graduation the seniors were (jubilant).?

Predicate adjective

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence After graduation the seniors were JUBILANT?

Predicate adjective

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence after graduation the seniors you jubilant?

The complement "are jubilant" functions as a predicate nominative, identifying and describing the subject "seniors" as being jubilant after graduation. It completes the meaning of the subject by providing additional information about its state or condition.

After graduation the seniors were jubilant?

It is Predictive Adjective if you are on A+LS

When is the graduation for 2010 seniors?

3 June 2010

Do students have a right to attend their graduation?

No, it's a privledge. If the school revokes your privledge to attend your graduation, there's nothing you can do, short of trying to convince them to let you go. ______________ Years ago, a well-known boarding school, an academy, canceled graduation because 2 seniors pulled a prank. If the administration had not canceled, it would have been the same as turning control of the school over to the seniors every spring. Going without graduation was unfortunate, but necessary.

What was the exact date for seniors that graduated in 1994 in texas?

That will depend entirely on the school and the school district. There is no single date that would apply to the graduation date.

How many high school seniors are in the US?

As of the 2020-2021 academic year, there were approximately 3.8 million high school seniors in the United States. This number fluctuates slightly from year to year due to population changes and graduation rates.

What vitamins are available for seniors?

Some important vitamins for seniors include vitamin D for bone health and immune function, vitamin B12 for nerve function and energy production, and vitamin K for blood clotting and bone health. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new vitamin regimen.

How do you spell the plural possessive of seniors?

The plural of senior is seniors. The plural possessive is seniors' (referring to more than one senior).

What is the plural possessive form of the word seniors?

The plural possessive form of "seniors" is "seniors'".

What is the plural possessive of senior?

The plural of senior is seniors. The plural possessive of seniors is seniors'