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It is the part of the seed that develops into the stem.

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15y ago

it develop the seed into plant.

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Q: What is the function of the hypocotyl?
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What is the hypocotyl of an adult plant?

The hypocotyl is the stem-like structure in a seedling that connects the cotyledons (seed leaves) to the root system. In adult plants, the hypocotyl typically becomes part of the main stem or is no longer distinct as a separate structure. It plays a critical role in the early growth stages of seedlings.

What is the function hypocotyl?

The hypocotyl is the lower part of the embryonic stem of a plant. Its primary functions include supporting the cotyledons (seed leaves) and transporting food and water between the roots and the cotyledons. Additionally, the hypocotyl aids in the emergence of the plant from the soil during germination.

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What is the differences between epicotyl and hypocotyl?

in plants, epicotyl is grow above the ground(monocot) while hypocotyl grow under the ground.

What is the lower part of the hypocotyl called?

The radicle

What work does hypocotyl do?

The hypocotyl is the embryonic stem of a seedling that connects the roots and the shoot. It helps in the emergence of the seedling from the soil and provides structural support during early growth stages. Additionally, the hypocotyl plays a role in nutrient and water uptake to support the growth of the young plant.

What will become what seed structures a hypocotyl b epicotyl c radical d cotyledon?

a. Radicle b. Hypocotyl c. Epicotyl d. Cotyledon

What part of a plant embryo that becomes the lower stem of the plant is called?


How does a cotyledon work?

cotyledon work are cotyledon,epicotyl,hypocotyl,radide,seed coat,hilum

How do you pronounce hypocotyl?

It is pronounced hi-puh-KAH-tuhl.

What is the type of dicot seed germination in which hypocotyl of the embryo elongates raising the plumule and cotyledons above the soil surface?

The type of dicot seed germination you are referring to is called epigeal germination. In this process, the hypocotyl elongates and raises the plumule and cotyledons above the soil surface, allowing for better access to light and air.