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Q: What is the function of the large inyestine in relation to digestion?
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What is the principal function of mechanical digestion?

breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones by the addition of water

A large vesicle that aids in digestion within plant cells is called?

A large vesicle that aids in digestion within plant cells is called a vacuole. This in additional function in eukaryotic organisms called protists.

What is as no function in humans in the digestive system?

The appendix, found at the junction of the small and large intestines, has no known function in digestion. The appendix may also be called the vermiform appendix.

Is a large intestine a mechanical digestion?

Chewing is mechanical digestion.

Is the large intestine mechanical digestion or chemical?

The large intestine is mechanical digestion; it absorbs water and is involved in peristalsis. It has nothing to do with enzymes, which is chemical digestion.

How is the function of the small intestine different from the function of the large intestine?

The stomach and small intestine both help with digestion. However, the stomach breaks down the food with acids and is mostly a large cavity, while the small intestine absorbs the nutrients and is a long winding path.

Much of the digestion that occurs in the large intestine is caused by?

The digestion that occurs in the large intestine is mainly caused by the action of gut bacteria. These bacteria help break down and ferment undigested food particles, producing essential nutrients and gases like methane and hydrogen. This process also plays a role in the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Is the large Intestine a mechanical or a chemical digestion?

As far as I know there is no digestion at all in the large intestine, only absorption.

What are the function of the small and large intestins?

the small intestine is the primary site for the digestion and absorption of food. the large intestine mainly functions to absorb excess water and electrolytes from undigested food particles. --thoughtfulobserver

Why Digestion does not occur in large intestine?

Minor fiber digestion by bacteria goes on in the large intestine, and water is absorbed, but no major lipid/protein/carbohydrate digestion occurs. All of that goes on higher up in the system.

Where does digestion end?

The large intestines is where the final step of digestion takes place.

Where digestion end?

The large intestines is where the final step of digestion takes place.