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Q: What is the function of the mesocarp?
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Which is the edible part of mango ans 1. epicarp 2. mesocarp 3. pericarp 4. placenta?

The edible part of the mango is the mesocarp, which refers to the fleshy middle layer of the fruit. The epicarp is the outer skin, the pericarp includes all the layers of the fruit wall, and the placenta is the structure inside the fruit that holds the seeds.

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What is the edible part in guava?

Mesocarp pulp of fruit .

What are the three pericarp layers in a fruit?

The three pericarp layers in a fruit are the exocarp (outermost layer), the mesocarp (middle layer), and the endocarp (innermost layer). These layers protect the seeds and support the fruit during development and maturation.

What is Pericarp in Coconut?

Epicarp-thick, mesocarp-fibrous, endocarp- stony

What is the scientific name of coconut shell?

The scientific name of coconut shell is Cocos nucifera.

What is the edible part of mango?

All of it apart from the skin and the big seed.

A labeled picture illustrating a mangoes phyiscal characteristics?

we have the epicarp,mesocarp,seed,endocarp. Which makes the fruit belong to a monocarpus group

What is the anatomy of a peach?

The anatomy of a peach include the seed and the pericarp. The seed is comprised of endosperm, embryo, and seed coat. The pericarp is comprised of the endocarp, mesocarp, and the exocarp.

Which model of earth's layer is better orange or peach why?

Both the orange and peach models of Earth's layers have their strengths in visualizing the composition of the planet. The orange model, with distinct layers that mimic the different components of Earth, provides a clear representation for educational purposes. On the other hand, the peach model, with its gradual color transitions, can better illustrate the gradual changes in composition that occur within the layers of Earth. Ultimately, the choice between the two models depends on the specific educational goals and audience preferences.

What is the use of fruits of the coconut tree?

The fruits of the coconut tree, also known as coconuts, are used for various purposes. They can be consumed fresh for their nutritious water and flesh, used to extract coconut milk and oil, and the husk can be used for making coir fiber. Additionally, coconut shells can be utilized for handicrafts or activated carbon production.

Is coconut a peanut or tree nut?

Yes, it is a nut, same as the banana. Anything with a shell, or peeling that is not consumed by human are considered in the Nut Family. Fruits you eat the entire fruit, even the seeds inside. Only fruit that have shells (rinds) are the melon family.