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Q: What is the function of xanthophyll?
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How many syllables in xanthophyll?

In xanthophyll there are 3.

What is a xanthophyll?

A xanthophyll is a derivative of a type of carotene, a plant pigment commonly yellow in colour.

How do carotene and xanthophyll function differently from chlorophyll?

Carotene and xanthophyll are accessory pigments that assist in capturing light energy during photosynthesis, but they absorb different wavelengths of light compared to chlorophyll. Additionally, carotene and xanthophyll help expand the range of light that can be utilized by plants for photosynthesis and provide photoprotection by dissipating excess energy.

What are xanthophyll?

These are carotenoids

Why is autumn the best season for xanthophyll?

Autumn is the best season for xanthophyll because the cooler temperatures and shorter days trigger the breakdown of chlorophyll, revealing the yellow and orange pigments of xanthophyll that were previously masked. This leads to the vibrant foliage colors that are characteristic of the season.

What color are plant tissues that contain only xanthophyll?

Plant tissues that contain only xanthophyll appear yellow. Xanthophyll is a yellow pigment typically found in the chloroplasts of plant cells and is responsible for giving certain plants their yellow coloration.

When can you see Xanthophyll?

Xanthophyll's are usually what create yellow pigments in leaves. They do not require light for synthesis, so they are present in all young leaves as well as in etiolated leaves.

What is the pigment called that causes autumn colours?


What type of pigments are usually found in all the leaves extracts?

Photosynthetic pigment consisting of chlorophyll a & b, carotene and xanthophyll.

Which pigment of plant protects form UV damage?

The pigment that protects plants from UV damage is called flavonoids. Flavonoids act as sunscreen for plants by absorbing and dissipating UV light, reducing the potential for DNA damage and oxidative stress.

What substances are found inside the chloroplast?

chlorophyll a & b, Carotene and xanthophyll etc.

What pigments are found in non green leaves?

There are mainly Caratinoids. They are Xanthophyll and Carotene mainly.