Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 216 1530 is 18.
7% of 1350 = 7% * 1350 = 0.07 * 1350 = 94.5
5.5% of 1350= 5.5% * 1350= 0.055 * 1350= 74.25
GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 216 1530 is 18.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 2250 216 is 18.
The GCF is 54.
1350 as a percentage = 135000%1350= 1350 * 100%= 135000%
50% of 1350 = 675 = 50% * 1350 =50%/100%* 1350 = 0.50 * 1350 = 675
7% of 1350 = 7% * 1350 = 0.07 * 1350 = 94.5
5.5% of 1350= 5.5% * 1350= 0.055 * 1350= 74.25
GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25 GCD(125, 225) = 25
Euclid's algorithm is a popular algorithm to compute the GCD of two numbers. Algorithm: Gcd(a,b) = Gcd(b, a mod b), where a>=b and Gcd(a,0) = a Say we want to find the GCD of 72 and 105. 105 mod 72 = 33, so GCD(72,105) = GCD(33,72) 72 mod 33 = 6, so GCD(33,72) = GCD(6,33) 33 mod 6 = 3 so GCD(6,33) = GCD(3,6) 6 mod 3 = 0 so GCD(3,6) = GCD(0,3) = 3. So the GCD of 72 and 105 is 3.
There are 135 tens in 1350.
GCD: 4