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downward as they proceed from left to right across a graph

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Q: What is the general direction of lines with a negative slope?
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What is the general direction of lines with a positive slope?

Botttom left to top right.

If a line has a negative slope what is its general directions?

Generally, the direction would be... down.

Do parallel lines have negative reciprocals?

The slope of parallel lines are the same, but the slope of perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals of each other.

Can two different intersecting lines have the same slope Why?

No because one line would be going in one direction and the other line would be going in the other direction. Which would make one slope negative and the other slope positive.

Which of these lines has a negative slope?

That one there!

Steeper lines have a?

larger slope if positive and a smaller slope if negative

Does a negative slope on a velocity vs time graph indicate that the object is not moving.?

No, a negative slope on a velocity vs time graph indicates that the object is moving in the negative direction. If the slope is constant, it means the object is moving at a constant speed in the negative direction.

A negative slope on the velocity vs. time graph indicates that the object is not moving?

False. It means it is slowing Down!

Which direction does the demand curve slope?

Is always negative. (should be in all caps for emphasis)

What does the slope of a linen on a distance - time graph represent?

The speed. Also, if a positive slope represents the speed in one direction, the negative slope is the speed in the opposite direction.

What is a line wxtending from the upper lift to the lower right has this type of slope?

The line has a negative slope (or negative gradient).When the angle between the line and the positive direction of Ox is obtuse then the slope is negative. Conversely, when the angle is acute, the slope is positive.

Do perpendicular lines have the same exact slope?

No, parallel lines have exactly same slope Perpendicular line have a slope that is negative reciprocal of each other that is if m = slope of line then slope of perpendicular line is -1/m