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Q: What is the geometric basis for the math behind correlation and regression?
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What happens to the correlation when a high outlier is removed from a data set?

The answer will depend on whether the outlier is determined on the basis of one variable or both variables.

What is regression analysis and inferential analysis?

Regression AnalysisIt is a collection of statistical techniques to understand the relationship among several independent variables and one or more dependent random variables.Inferential AnalysisIt is collection of mathematical techniques to make prediction about unseen large data sets on the basis of a study of available small samples of that data.Regression analysis is a specific way of performing inferential analysis.

Why is RenΓ© Descartes considered the father of analytical geometry?

Because René Descartes developed the Cartesian coordinate system, this system allows geometric shapes to be expressed in algebraic equations. Descartes' works is still today the basis in analytic geometry.

3 important principles in making generalizations about populations on the basis of samples?

1. To describe the important characteristics of the scientific approach and show how it promotes critical thinking. 2. To demonstrate the limits of everyday intuition and common sense. 3. To show how psychologists use three basic research methods: description, correlation, and experimentation. 4. To explain how psychologists use statistics in their research. are the most important principles in making generalizations about populations on the basis of samples.

What are the different bases of accounting?

There are 3 basis: Cash basis, Accrual basis and Tax basis Free information online at

Related questions

What is a mathematical procedure that predicts the dependent variable on the basis of knowledge known about independent variables?

regression analysis

What basis is behind Thanksgiving in Canada?

The main basis behind Thanksgiving in Canada has been to celebrate the harvest season. At times, it has also commemorated a special anniversary.

What has the author Jarvis written?

Jarvis has written: 'Sequential constructions of orthonormal basis vectors, with statistical applications' -- subject(s): Regression analysis, Matrices, Vector analysis

What happens to the correlation when a high outlier is removed from a data set?

The answer will depend on whether the outlier is determined on the basis of one variable or both variables.

What is the philosophy behind African socialism?

"The basis of socialism is a belief in oneness of man and the common historical destiny of mankind. Its basis... is human equality"

Why is Euclid named the father of geometry?

He is the first person to set out geometry on a systematic basis starting from a small number of axioms. He was also responsible for developing the principles of geometric proof.

What is regression analysis and inferential analysis?

Regression AnalysisIt is a collection of statistical techniques to understand the relationship among several independent variables and one or more dependent random variables.Inferential AnalysisIt is collection of mathematical techniques to make prediction about unseen large data sets on the basis of a study of available small samples of that data.Regression analysis is a specific way of performing inferential analysis.

Is there any scientific basis for superstitions?

While there are certainly historical, anthropological and cultural reasons behind most superstitions, they are called superstitions because of the very fact that they have no basis in Science.

Requirements of regression analysis in statistics?

You may get more ideas from wikipedia under regression analysis. You can do a regression analysis with as little as 2 x,y points- but is it meaningful? Requirements for valid or meaningful relationships can be subjective. However, in my opinion, if meaningful relationships are to be created using regression analysis, the following are important: a) The independent variable should have values that are independent (no relation exists between them). b) There should be a good rational or experimental basis for identifying the independent variables and the resultant dependent variable. c) Sufficient data should be collected in a controlled environment to identify the relationship. d) The validity of the relationship should easy to identify both visually and by numbers (see "goodness of fit" tests).

What objectives behind agrarian reform?

aggrarian reform ay ndi ko alam

Is Pythagoras Muslim?

Pythagoras was a Greek from Samos and he was likely a follower of the Greek pantheon of gods. Many Muslims would later use his geometric proofs as a basis for more complicated math such as trigonometry or algebra, but he was not a Muslim.

Example of superstitious beliefs and explain the basis for it?

An example of a superstitious belief is that spilling salt is bad luck. It originated because both spilling things and bad luck are fairly ordinary events and it is difficult to disprove the correlation.