Impossible to answer without a detailed description of all markings and engraving.
Is your rifle a Safari, Medallion or Olympian Grade Bolt action? Assuming it is in absolute mint condition and no salt wood, the Safari is worth $850-$1050, Medallion grade $1,900-$2,100 and Olympian Grade $5,200-$5,800. The price range is based on condition of the rifle, wood grain and engravers (Olympian Grade). Your rifle is a short extractor model (1968-1975) which typically doesn't command the same price as the long extractor rifles (1960-1967) and it is a 7 mm. The 7 mm is one of the highest number produced calibers for that era rifle. One thing you need to do is test the wood with silver nitrate solution to find out if it is a salt wood rifle. Browning tried to cure the wood on their stocks quicker back in 1967-68 by putting a mound of salt on the stocks. The salt was pulled into the wood and now we have salt wood stocks. The majority of people will tell you that you only need to be concerned about salt wood from late 1968 to 1971. That is not true and I have prooved it. I have personally tested 1968-1974 rifles with salt wood stocks. Unfortunately, if it is a saltwood rifle you are looking at almost giving it away to get rid of it.
22 caliber rimfire cartridges shorter and less powerful than the 22 long rifle. They used to be quite popular and inexpensive, but are now becoming hard to find and cost as much as the long rifle shells.
Iit is as long as it is because it was made to be exactly 25.4mm in length by the international measurements council in 1959.
It doesnt matter what grade your in, just as long as you stay above a 98.5 grade average each year ... Im a 24 year old and got my scholarship in 10th grade because of my average was about 98.5 every single school year . (:
if you walk 4 miles an hour how long would it take you to walk a mile
Value depends on model, grade and condition. Use the link below to find you gun in the Blue book. It should be under Browning .22 automatic rifle
100-1000 usd
You will have to call Browning
the 22 long rifle holds 11 cartridges
Get the serial number off it and go to Browning's website.
The number of .22 long rifle shells a Browning takedown rifle can hold depends on the specific model and magazine capacity. Browning takedown rifles typically have magazine capacities ranging from 10 to 25 rounds. To determine the exact number of .22 long rifle shells a specific Browning takedown rifle can hold, you would need to refer to the manufacturer's specifications for that particular model.
Need a detailed description
Best thing for you to do is find a gunsmith.
The prefix of 4T indicates that you have a Browning auto rifle in 22 long rifle that was made in the year 1964.
Call Browning or check the serial number on their website if it is up.