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Q: What is the grading scale for 15 questions?
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What is the grade if I get one wrong out of 15 questions?

If you get one wrong out of 15 questions, your grade would depend on how the grading scale is set up. If each question is worth the same amount of points, you would have a score of 14/15, which usually translates to a high grade such as an A or A+. However, if the grading scale deducts a fixed amount of points for each incorrect answer, it would depend on the specific grading scale to determine the grade.

What grade is 14 questions right out of 44?

On any reasonable grading scale, it's an F.

What is the formula for grading on a 100 percent scale?

I usually use # of Correct Questions / # Of Total Questions = Percentage Correct

How many can you miss out 100 question to get 85 percent?

I think it depends on the grading scale. However, if each was worth a point then maybe you could only miss 15 questions to get an 85%.

If you get 3 questions wrong out of 50 questions What is your grade?

It depends on the grading scale. 47/50 is 94% which is an A in most cases.

What is your grade if you get 6 out of 12 questions?

That is 50%. Depending on your teacher's grading scale, it likely an E, perhaps a D.

What is scale 10 grading system?

The grading system in Norway is a scale from 1 to 6

Have 17 questions missed 2 what would you get?

you would have 15 questions correct, 88.2% and a B on the normal grading system.

Which is better 7-point grading scale or a 10-point grading scale?

It depends but its a lot easier to get high grades (A's and B's) on a ten point grading scale.

What is the grading scale for 53 out of 60?


What is 73 percent on grading scale?


What is an 80 percent on the grading scale?

on the universal elementary and middle school grading scale, 80 percent is exactly a C grade average. that is also classified as a below average on the gradig scale.