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Q: What is the grading scale for 60 out of 75?
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What is the grading scale for 56 out of 75?

To determine the grade for 56 out of 75, divide 56 by 75 and multiply by 100. This gives a percentage of 74.67%, which typically falls in the C range on a standard grading scale.

What 6 over 8 as a percent?

75% on a grading scale for school it would be a C

What does a D stand for in grading scale?

60%. 65 is usually a D+ and 70 a C.

What grade letter is a 80?

While many schools or classes use different grading scales, the standard American grading scale works on a 10 point system, meaning an 80 is a B. However, using another very typical grading scale, an 80 would be a C. Your answer depends on which grading scale your class/school uses. The first grading scale, where an 80 is a B is as follows: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59 The second grading scale, where an 80 is a C is as follows: A: 94-100 B: 87-93 C: 80-86 D: 75-79 F: 0-74

What is a 80 grade?

While many schools or classes use different grading scales, the standard American grading scale works on a 10 point system, meaning an 80 is a B. However, using another very typical grading scale, an 80 would be a C. Your answer depends on which grading scale your class/school uses. The first grading scale, where an 80 is a B is as follows: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59 The second grading scale, where an 80 is a C is as follows: A: 94-100 B: 87-93 C: 80-86 D: 75-79 F: 0-74

What is scale 10 grading system?

The grading system in Norway is a scale from 1 to 6

Which is better 7-point grading scale or a 10-point grading scale?

It depends but its a lot easier to get high grades (A's and B's) on a ten point grading scale.

What is the grading scale for 56 out of 60?

56 of 60 is 93 1/3 % . This would be an A on one of my tests which are quite hard. On an easy test, this might only be an A- .

What is the grading scale for grades 6th grade for school?

The grading scale for 6th grade can vary between schools and districts, but it is commonly based on a percentage system where A is 90-100%, B is 80-89%, C is 70-79%, D is 60-69%, and F is below 60%. Some schools may also use a grading scale with +/- modifiers. It's best to check with your child's specific school for their grading scale.

What letter grade is 64 out of 100?

While many schools or classes use different grading scales, the standard American grading scale works on a 10 point system, meaning a 66 is a D. However, using another very typical grading scale, a 66 would be an F. Your answer depends on which grading scale your class/school uses.The first grading scale, where an 80 is a B is as follows:A: 90-100B: 80-89C: 70-79D: 60-69F: 0-59The second grading scale, where an 80 is a C is as follows:A: 94-100B: 87-93C: 80-86D: 75-79F: 0-74