

What is the graph curves?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is the graph curves?
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What is a graph made up of connected lines or curves?

Its called a line graph

A graph made up of connected lines or curves?

(continuous or discrete)

What would be the shape of a speed - time graph of a body?

If speed changes, then the speed/time graph has up/down curves in it.

What are indifference curves explain it using a graph?

o Indifference curves are curves that have a negative slope and are bowed inward. Each point on the line has the same exact util value. In other words, a person would be the same amount of "happy" at each point on the indifference curve. There are an infinite amount of indifference curves on every graph. G2

A graph made up of connected lines or curves is called?

it depends which way it curls. if it goes to the right its a hyperbola line grpah and if it goes to the left its a parabola line graph.

Where are solutions to a system seen on the graph?

The intersection of the individual graphs. In the simplest case, the graph for each equation consists of a line (or some curve); the intersection is the points where the lines or curves meet.

Why are there usually two solutions in quadratic equations?

It is easier to understand this if you draw the curve of the equation as a graph. From the graph you will see that the line curves back on itself, usually in a nice parabolic curve. Because it curves back, you find that most values of Y correspond to two different values of X - so there are two solutions.

What features can make a graph misleading?

In the case where graphs are of 3d objects or curves, sometimes it is hard to see what shape an object is, or how the curve is moving based on the perspective. You can fix this (at least somewhat) by drawing the graph from different angles or by presenting the graph within a cube

How can economist visualize equilibrium price?

Economists can visualize equilibrium price using a supply and demand graph. The point where the supply and demand curves intersect represents the equilibrium price. It shows the price at which the quantity demanded by consumers matches the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in a market balance.

If a graph curves upward how does that affect the speed of an object?

This entirely depends on what the graph is charting, but generally, an upward curve reflects an increase in some quantity like distance or acceleration and is a positive correlation with speed increase. However, it could be an increase of resistance or friction, which would decrease speed.

What is the condition of the position-time graph when the velocity-time graph passes through zero?

As, in the velocity-time graph, curves passes through zero means 'when time is zero velocity is zero'. Velocity is time derivative of displacement. So displacement is maximum or minimum when time is zero in position-time graph.

When two curves cross at a point on a graph they?

The answer could be "intersect". If not, please edit the question to include more context or relevant information, and then resubmit.