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It's like a bell curve; there's a high point in the middle with both sides dropping off symmetrically away from it and then flattening out as you move away from the drop offs.

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Q: What is the graph of a gaussian function?
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What kind of graph is a bell shaped curve?

The bell curve graph is another name for a normal (Gaussian) distribution graph. A Gaussian function is a certain kind of function whose graph results in a bell-shaped curve.

What shape is the graph of a Gaussian function?

A Guassian function has a top in the middle and it's ends reach until infinity but the graph never touches the x axis. The location of the top depends on the parameters used.

What is gaussian filter in term of image processing?

the gaussian filter is also known as Gaussian smoothing and is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function.

What is a normal distribution graph called?

It has no special name - other than a normal (or Gaussian) distribution graph.

What math word starts with g''?

Gaussian quadrature? Geometric calculus? Graph theory?

How do you generate a Gaussian bell shape graph when you have a mean and standard deviation and absolutely no other data?

The Gaussian "Bell" Curve has probability density function: f(x)= exp{-((x-mu)2/(2*sigma2)) } / (sigma*sqrt(2*pi)) where mu=mean & sigma=standard deviation

What is meant by gaussian function?

this function is extremely used in probability theory like this bell curve

What is the Gaussian copula function for finance what is the equation and how do I solve it?

The Gaussian Copula function for finance has been totally discredited and you shouldn't touch it with a barge-pole. See The Formula That Sank Wall Street in Wired magazine.

How does the distribution of traits in a population look when displayed as a graph?

The term you are probably looking for is a Bell curve, which is a Gaussian distribution.

Is probability density function and gaussian distribution function are same?

yes, h=1/sigma(standard deviation)

Is a circle graph a function?

No, a circle graph is never a function.

What is the zero of a function and how does it relate to the functions graph?

A zero of a function is a point at which the value of the function is zero. If you graph the function, it is a point at which the graph touches the x-axis.