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stem and leaf plot

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Q: What is the graph used to organize and display data so that the frequencies can be compared called?
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Related questions

What is the entire electromagnetic spectrum frequencies called?

The entire electromagnetic spectrum frequencies, from the lowest to the highest frequencies, are collectively called the electromagnetic spectrum.

What are the range of frequencies that can be transmitted called?

The range of frequencies that can be transmitted is called the bandwidth. It refers to the range of frequencies within a signal that can be effectively transmitted through a communication channel.

Frequencies to low for people to hear are called what?

Frequencies too low for people to hear are called infrasound. These frequencies are below the audible range of human hearing, which typically ranges from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

Can A standing wave can only occur at natural frequencies?

A standing wave can occur only at specific frequencies that are called natural frequencies.

What are elecromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies called?

gamma rays. they have the shortesst wawvelengths and the highest frequencies.

Sound waves with frequencies above the normal human range of hearing are called what?

Sound waves with frequencies above the normal human range of hearing are called ultrasoundUltrasoundUltrasonic for frequencies higher than a human can hear, and infrasonic for those frequencies below the human threshold of hearing.

All of the frequencies or wavelength called?

A spectrum.

Are fundamental frequencies and overtones also called resonance frequencies?

No, fundamental frequencies and overtones are not typically referred to as resonance frequencies. Resonance frequencies are specific frequencies at which an object naturally vibrates or oscillates when subjected to external forces. Fundamental frequencies are the lowest frequency at which an object can vibrate, while overtones are multiples of the fundamental frequency.

Why to have a filter before and after a low noise amplifier?

To cut off unwanted frequencies, unwanted frequencies are called noise.

What are these people called that organize underground railroads?

They are called conductors.

What is The separation of light into colors arranged by their frequencies called?


What display do?

A first view of any thing is called display,