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The gravitational force between masses depends on the distance between them.


The force (and reaction) can be calculated from:


f (newtons) = (G * 7 * 4) / d2


G = newtons gravitational constant ( 6.672 * 10 -11)

d = distance between centres of gravity in metres


Example: a distance of 0.1 metres between the masses would exert a force of

on each mass of 1.868 * 10 -7 newtons

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Q: What is the gravitational force of 7 kg mass exerts on 4 kg mass?
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Is Weight is the measure of force and mass?

Weight is a measure of the gravitational pull for a mass , such that a mass of 1 Kg is having a weight of 10 Newton . So weight is a downward force measured in Newtons . Weight ( in N ) = Mass ( in Kg ) × Gravity ( usually 10N/Kg )

What will be the weight in kg of 1 liter of furnace oil having specific gravity of 0.9655?

Mass is measured in kilograms, not weight. The mass of the furnace oil will be 0.9655 kg. If you do not know the difference between weight and mass, consider the following: You have the same amount of material in you whether you are in earth, in mid space or on the moon. That is your mass. You also have a certain amount of weight on earth, which is the effect of the earth's gravitational force acting on your mass. On the moon, the gravitational force is only a sixth as strong and your weight will be only a sixth as much as on earth. In outer space, there may be no gravitational force in which case your weight will be 0. Thus your mass is something that is an intrinsic property of you (at least, of your body) while your weight is largely dependent on the gravitational force acting on you.

What is the gravitational constant?

(This should not be confused with g=9.8m/s/s)Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation describes the gravitational force between two objects (like the sun and the Earth or the Earth and a satellite or the Earth and its moon)gravitational force G = 6.67 × 10-11m3 kg-1 s-2 used in the formula, F = G (M1 * M2)R2where F is the gravitational force between two masses,G is the gravitational constant in N,m1 is the mass of the first object in kg,m2 is the mass of the second object in kg,R is distance apartIn some books, it is written as Cavendish experiment.

What is the mass of a cat that weighs 37.2 N?

On Earth, the gravitational constant, represented by 'g' is 10. To calculate the force in Newtons acting on an object, multiply the mass in kg by 'g'. That would mean said cat weighs 3.72 kg.

What times mass equals weight?

Mass (kg) x Gravitational Field Strength (Gravity) (N/kg) = Weight (N)GFS on earth = 10 N/kg

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The gravitational force of Earth acting on a body of mass 1 kg is approximately 9.81 Newtons.

How many newtons is 2029203 kg?

Depends on the force of gravity that exerts on this mass.

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The magnitude of gravity that the Earth exerts on a man with a mass of 80.0 kg is approximately 784 Newtons. This is calculated by multiplying the man's mass (80.0 kg) by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

Gravitational force relies on what two things?

Gravitational force relies on the masses of the two objects involved and the distance between them.

What is the gravitional force between a mass of 20 kg and a mass of 100 kg that are 15 meters apart?

The gravitational force between the two objects is 59.31 Newtons.

What is the gravitational force that the 5 kg mass exerts on the 2kg mass?

The gravitational force between two masses is given by the formula F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses, and r is the distance between the masses. Given that the masses are 5kg and 2kg, the force can be calculated once the distance between them is known.

What force and what weight will be acting on a mass of 10.5 kg being pulled by the earth?

The force acting on a 10.5 kg mass being pulled by Earth is gravitational force, which is the weight of the object. On Earth, the weight would be approximately 103 N (newtons) calculated as mass times gravitational acceleration (10.5 kg x 9.81 m/s^2).

Which measurement depends on gravitational force- mass or weight?

Weight depends on gravitational force. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant regardless of gravitational force.

Is Weight is the measure of force and mass?

Weight is a measure of the gravitational pull for a mass , such that a mass of 1 Kg is having a weight of 10 Newton . So weight is a downward force measured in Newtons . Weight ( in N ) = Mass ( in Kg ) × Gravity ( usually 10N/Kg )

What is the mass 20kg object?

The mass of a 20kg object is 20 kilograms. This means that the object has a certain amount of matter that exerts a gravitational force of about 196.2 Newtons (assuming acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s^2).

Explain why you feel Earth's gravitational force but not the gravitational force exerted by a book?

You feel Earth's gravitational force because Earth has a much larger mass compared to you. The force of gravity between two objects depends on their masses and distance. Since the book is much lighter than Earth, the gravitational force it exerts on you is negligible compared to Earth's gravitational pull.

What is weight of a newton?

Weight is a force that describes the attraction of mass towards a gravitational body due to the gravitational force. The weight of a newton is precisely 1 newton since newtons (N) is unit of weight. Mass describes the amount of matter in the object and is constant of gravitational pull. A mass of 1 kg on earth is equivalent to a mass of 1 kg on Jupiter but the weights are different.