Rank Prime number Found by Found date Number of digits
1st 2^57,885,161 − 1 GIMPS 2013 January 25 17,425,170
2nd 2^43,112,609 − 1 GIMPS 2008 August 23 12,978,189
3rd 2^42,643,801 − 1 GIMPS 2009 April 12 12,837,064
4th 2^37,156,667 − 1 GIMPS 2008 September 6 11,185,272
5th 2^32,582,657 − 1 GIMPS 2006 September 4 9,808,358
6th 2^30,402,457 − 1 GIMPS 2005 December 15 9,152,052
the greatest prime numbers that is less than 100 = 97
The greatest common factor of two or more prime numbers is 1.
10 does not have 6 prime numbers.
If the greatest common factor is 1, then the numbers are said to be co-prime or relatively prime.
There are infinitely many prime numbers and there is no greatest prime. So there cannot be an answer to the question.
the greatest prime numbers that is less than 100 = 97
The GCF is 12. The next greatest is 6.
Co-prime numbers, relatively prime numbers and any set of prime numbers.
Prime numbers and numbers that are relatively prime.
The greatest common factor of two or more prime numbers is 1.
The GCF of 2, 3, and 6 is 1. The numbers are relatively prime.
10 does not have 6 prime numbers.
The greatest prime factor of both numbers is 3
The greatest prime factor of both 6 and 27 is 3.
If the greatest common factor is 1, then the numbers are said to be co-prime or relatively prime.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of two (or more) numbers is the greatest factor that divides two numbers. To find the GCF you must work out and list the prime factors of each of the numbers. You will see that the numbers have prime factors in common. Multiply those factors the numbers have in common together and this gives you the GCF for the numbers. eg Number A = 18, Prime factors = 2*3*3 Number B = 24, Prime factors = 2*2*2*3 The Prime factors that A and B have in common are 2 and 3 Multiply them together = 6 6= the GCF of 18 and 24