The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least common denominator is 45.
The common denominator of 15 and 9 is 45.
least common denominator for 15 and 10 is 30, so 9/15 = 18/30 and 7/10 = 21/30
There is an infinite number of common denominators for these two fractions. The lowest common denominator is 45.
Find the multiples of 27 and 15:Multiples of 27:..27 x 5 = 135Multiples of 15:..15 x 9 = 135Thus, 135 is the same common denominator for 27 and 15.
The common denominator of 15 and 9 is 45.
The greatest common denominator, like the greatest common multiple, is infinite.
The greatest common denominator of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
It is 180
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.The GCF of 36 and 45 is 9.
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 9