The LCM is 975.
Oh, isn't that just a happy little math problem? Let's simplify that fraction together. By dividing both numbers by their greatest common factor, we can see that 325 over 208 simplifies to 25 over 16. Just like painting, sometimes simplifying things can bring clarity and beauty to the final result.
65 130 195 260 325 390 etc etc
Divide 325 by 1, 5 and 13 (325,1)(65,5)(25,13)
greatest common factor of 75, 195, and 325.
GCF of 75, 195, and 325 is 5
The greatest common factor of 175 and 325 is 25.
The GCF is: 325
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 1.
The GCF is 25.
13, also the only common factor besides 1. 1092 = 2 2 3 7 13 325 = 5 5 13
To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 325, 375, and 250, we need to first factorize each number. The factors of 325 are 1, 5, 13, 25, 65, and 325. The factors of 375 are 1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 75, 125, and 375. The factors of 250 are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 125, and 250. The GCF is the largest number that is common to all three lists, which in this case is 25.
Prime factorization of 225 = 32 x 52Prime factorization of 325 = 52 x 13gcf(225, 325) = 52 = 25.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 100 and 130 is 10