The G.C.F of 23 and 56 is 1 because 23 is a Prime number and neither one of the two factors of 23 are also factors of 56 so therefore the only number that is a factor of 23 and 56 is 1 because it is the only and therefore the highest common factor of 23 and 56. Thank you.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 16 and 56 is 8.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 7
It is: 2
The GCF is 56.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 56 and 70 is 14.
The GCF is 1.
56=23*7 70=2*5*7 Therefore, the greatest common factor of 56 and 70 is 14, as 2*7=14.
The greatest common factor of 9821 , 56 = 7
The Greatest Common Factor of 175 and 56 is 7.
The greatest common factor of 18 and 56 is 2.
The greatest common factor of 14 and 56 is 14.
The greatest common factor of 56 and 81 is 1.
The greatest common factor of 21 and 56 is 7.
greatest common factor of 35 and 56 = 7
The greatest common factor of 12 and 56 is 4.
The GCF is 1.
The greatest common factor of 56 and 105 is 7.