The longest factor string is 2x2x2x3x13. It is always best to list your factor string from the least to greatest number.
312 156,2 78,2,2 39,2,2,2 13,3,2,2,2
These numbers are co-prime, ie have no common factor, so the LCM is the product, 312
312 156,2 78,2,2 39,2,2,2 13,3,2,2,2
The Least Common Multiple of 78 and 104 is 312.
The greatest common factor of 150 , 312 = 6
greatest common factor of 30 and 312 is 6.
312 and 444's highest common factor is 12.
The GCF of 84 and 312 is 12.
It is: 26
The GCF/HCF of 156 and 312 is 78.
the least common factor is 1. the greatest common factor is 26.The GCF is 26.The LCM is 312.
The GCF is 6.
The GCF is 4.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 312 and 390 is 78.
They are 26 and 312 respectively