The GCF is 27.
The GCF is 27. The LCM is 81.
Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of (4,81) is 1.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 9
The Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers is the largest number that will divide into both evenly. For example, although 27 and 81 are both divisible by 3, it wouldn't be the greatest common divisor, because 27 divides into 81 evenly as well: the greatest common divisor of 27 and 81 is 27.
The greatest common factor of 81 and 189 is 27.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of (27,81) is 27 and the LCM is 81.
The greatest common factor of 81 and 135 is 27.
The Lcm of 27 and 81 is 81, and the GCF of 27 and 81 is 27
The greatest common factor for the numbers 27 and 81 are 27.
The GCF is 27.
GCF = 27 LCM = 81 81 is the LCM of 27 and 81
Since 27 is a factor of 81, it is automatically the GCF.It is: 27
It is: 27
It is: 27
The greatest common factor of 81 and 27 is 27. You can only divide 27 by 1, 3, 9, and 27. You can only divide 81 by 1, 3, 9, 27, and 81. 27 is the biggest factor that both of the numbers have.