Multiples of 50 that are less than 200 are 100 and 150.
15, 30, 45
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
A list of multiples of 5 that are less than 50: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
Both 21 and 42 will work. ■
Multiples of 50 that are less than 200 are 100 and 150.
47 is the greatest prime number under 50.
It is: 47
There is no such number. For if you considered 49.99 to be such a number, then 49.995 is a greater number and it is less than 50. And then 49.9955 is even greater and still less than 50. This process can go on without end.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
15, 30, 45
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
30 or 40