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Q: What is the greatest possible error for 14.16 m?
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0.05 metres.

How do you find greatest possible error for measurement of 18.9 m?

Assuming the number is written to its greatest precision, it will be half of the place of the last digit. Since the 9 is in the tenths place, the greatest possible error is ±0.5*a tenth = ±0.05 metres.

How do you find greatest possible error for measurement of 18.3 m?

It is half the place value of the last digit that is given. In this case, it is + or -0.05m = + or - 5 cm.

What is the great possible error for 19.2 m?


Which is greater 4.247 m or 4.25 m.?

4.25 m is the greatest

How do you create the logical error in c?

It is not clear what do you mean by 'logical error', but perhaps an example will help: int main (void) { FILE *f= fopen ("foobar.txt", "r"); if (f) printf ("couldn't open foobar.txt for reading"); fclose (f); } corrected version: int main (void) { FILE *f= fopen ("foobar.txt", "r"); if (f==NULL) { printf ("couldn't open foobar.txt for reading"); return 0; } fclose (f); } Logical error can be generated by using the #error directive. This directive doesn't allows the program to run, in certain conditions. An error message has been generated by the compiler because of this preprocessor directive. e.g. #define M 10 #if M!=10 #error M must be 10 #endif in this case no error mesage will be generated because M is equal to 10 #define M 11 #if M!=10 #error M must be 10 #endif in this case, as M is not equal to 10 error message will be generated by the compiler and the message will be M must be 10.

What noun is max?

The noun 'max' (lower case m) is an informal word for 'maximum', the greatest possible amount or degree. The noun 'Max' (upper case M) is the name of a person, a proper noun, often a shortened form of 'Maximilian'.

What is greatest height?

Mount Blanc, 4807 m

How do you factor out the greatest common factor of 12 m plus 60?

12(m + 5)

What is the greatest common factor of 18m2 and 7m?

The GCF is m

If the greatest common factor of a and b is 3 what values are possible for the greatest common factor of a squared and b?

a is 3m b is 3n m and n are relatively prime - they do not have any common factors. a2 = 9m2 Since m had no factors in common with n, m2 also has no factors in common with n. We know that 3 is a common factor of a and b. The only new possible factor between a2 and b is the second 3 when a is squared. We do not know whether b had more than one factor of 3. So, the greatest common factor of a2 and b, when the greatest common factor of a and b is 3, is either 3 or 9.

What are the ratings and certificates for House M-D- - 2004 Human Error 3-24?

House M-D- - 2004 Human Error 3-24 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14