You will get the greatest product if you choose the greatest possible numbers in both cases, i.e., 9 x 99.
-- Multiply the numerators to get the numerator of the product. -- Multiply the denominators to get the denominator of the product. -- Simplify the product if it's possible and you feel like it.
10 because 10 is the first 2 digit number out of all numbers.
The assertion in the question is simply not true.
You will get the greatest product if you choose the greatest possible numbers in both cases, i.e., 9 x 99.
891 is the largest.
The product is not always greater than 1.
To make the product equal to 3.2, multiply by one. To make the product greater or lesser than 3.2 multiply by a number greater or lesser than one, respectively.
-- Multiply the numerators to get the numerator of the product. -- Multiply the denominators to get the denominator of the product. -- Simplify the product if it's possible and you feel like it.
Bigger than it
10 because 10 is the first 2 digit number out of all numbers.
The absolute value of the answer will be greater than the absolute value of the original.
The assertion in the question is simply not true.