It is not a perfect square which means that it will not divide evenly but the square root of 88 is 9.38083152
There is no greatest square number. Just as numbers go on infinitely, so do their associated number series.
Yes, 887 is a prime number. Recall that if a number is not prime then there exists a prime less than the square root of the number and this prime divides the number. So we need to check if the primes less than 30 divides 887 or not. These primes are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29.
It is 2 because 1800/2 = 900 which is a perfect square because 302 = 900
72/36 = 2
It is not impossible for a number to be prime and square, The only possible number that is prime and a square is 1, which is 1x1, and 12. Due to the fact that prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and 1, primes cannot be a square.
It would be any number that divides evenly, so 9/3=3 The dividend, or the number being divided would be 9 and it would be a square number because 3 squared is 9. Other odd square number dividends would be 25, 49, 81.
It is not a perfect square which means that it will not divide evenly but the square root of 88 is 9.38083152
There is no greatest square number. Just as numbers go on infinitely, so do their associated number series.
Itself or 16
256 is the greatest even square number that is less than 300.
No because it can't be squared rooted evenly
For a number to be a perfect square, the number's square root has to be a whole number. 9 is a perfect square because its square root is a whole number, 3. If the square root of the number is a decimal, then it is not a perfect square. For example, 13 does not divide evenly so it not a perfect square.
It's a composite number... 51 divides by 3 & 27.