In math, group theory is a branch of what is called "abstract algebra" that study special sets of objects called "groups".
Example: you may have studied the following facts about adding numbers.
1.) Every number has a negative of itself. (for any x there is a -x)
2.) Zero added to any number leaves that number the same. (x+0=x)
3.) No matter where you put the parentheses, addition turns out the same. For example, (x+y) +z = x+(y+z)
Therefore, numbers -- combined with the operation of addition -- form a "group" because of these three attributes.
If you learn group theory, you will discover that not just numbers obey these properties. Things like geometric symmetries, permutations, and matrices can all be described as belonging to groups.
In group theory, an alternating group is a group of even permutations of a finite set.
Theory X is a group of ideas created by Douglas McGreggor in the 1960's. It deals with human motivations. He also discussed theory
Evariste Galois lived from 1811 till 1832. He died in a duel in Mary of 1832. He did not study mathematics at all until 1827 and appears to have concentrated on group theory in 1832.
The study of math is mathematics. Subdivisions in that broad category include (butare not limited to):algebrageometrytrigonometrycalculusdifferential equations (differentiation and integration, Transforms)statisticsabstract algebra (includes group theory, ring theory, field theory, and module theory)topologynumber theorylogicprobabilitystatisticsgame theoryfunctional analysisdynamical systems (includes "chaos theory")numerical analysisset theory
Carbon dioxide is linear, with the carbon in the middle. If I remember my group theory properly, that's Dinfinityv. But no promises on that.
In abstract algebra, group theory studies structures known as groups. Group theory has three historical sources number theory, the theory of algebraic equations, and geometry.
Eugene Schenkman has written: 'Group theory' -- subject(s): Group theory
Karl W. Gruenberg has written: 'Some cohomological topics in group theory' -- subject(s): Group theory, Homology theory, Theory of Groups
Bion's Theory
In group theory, an alternating group is a group of even permutations of a finite set.
William R. Scott has written: 'Group theory' -- subject(s): Group theory
Charles W. Danellis has written: 'Group theory' -- subject(s): Group theory
That theory states that light behaves as group of particles.
defines in graph theory defines in graph theory
Louis Mariot has written: 'Group theory and solid state phtsics' 'Group theory and solid state physics'
Tucman's theory helps build up groups and encourage group work. This is a theory that he invented himself.
The Forced Theory.