an + bn = cn
for n>2
took many years for fermat to prove this.
That is based on opinion.
The hardest question is too difficult to conjure.
I could not figure out the math equation. The new data did not fit the existing equation. An equation can be a math formula or standard method.
Proving the Riemann conjecture.
What is the exact value of pi in figures.
That is based on opinion.
How about I tell you the first? ,Well the worlds first hardest math equation is the; P=NP equation. You should concider taking a look at it. Pretty tricky stuff!
For many 6th graders, one of the hardest math problems may involve solving multi-step word problems that require a combination of operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Another challenging concept could be understanding and applying fractions, decimals, and percentages in real-world situations. Additionally, grasping the concept of algebraic expressions and equations may also pose a significant challenge for some 6th graders.
no it is not hard
AP CALCULAS AP CALCULUS* is not the hardest math. Analysis, Set theory, Algebra, Topology, Calculus and Number Theory
E = mc2
HL math
e=mc2 just a guess
The Collatz conjecture
The hardest question is too difficult to conjure.
I could not figure out the math equation. The new data did not fit the existing equation. An equation can be a math formula or standard method.