It is 2.
If the expression in the question is a hexadecimal number, the equivalent decimal value is 16,664,843. If it was not a hexadecimal number, maybe you should have thought about stating what it was.
46 The 2 is 2 16s = 32 while the E is the unit 14
The answer is 91.
It is 2.
It is 007E.
The binary number 01011010 is 005A in hexadecimal.
1,016 converted from decimal to hexadecimal notation equals 3F816.
If the expression in the question is a hexadecimal number, the equivalent decimal value is 16,664,843. If it was not a hexadecimal number, maybe you should have thought about stating what it was.
The space character in ASCII is CHR(32), so in HEX, that would be 0x20
46 The 2 is 2 16s = 32 while the E is the unit 14
It is A.