It is a prime number. It is one less than a dozen. In hexadecimal notation it is B. Are you having fun yet?
Hexadecimal uses the digits 0-9 and the letters a-f (in either upper case A-F, or lower case a-f). You appear to have used a letter O in upper case and lower case (o). Neither is a valid [standard] hexadecimal digit; so 3EO and 3Eo both mean the same in hexadecimal: a non-valid number. 3E0 and 3e0 are both valid hexadecimal numbers that mean the same (as the decimal number 992). In C, to signify a hexadecimal number it is preceded by 0X or 0x (that is zero-letter X), as in 0x3E0, etc.
The easiest way to find a percent is to turn the percentage into a decimal. You do this by placing the percentage over 100. 42% is the same as 42/100, which equals .42 in decimal notation. Now, take the decimal notation and multiply it by your number, in this case 125. .42 * 125 = 52.5
1,016 converted from decimal to hexadecimal notation equals 3F816.
One example : hexadecimal notation.
hexadecimal notation
Assuming that 2795 is in decimal notation, it is ADB.
The first use of the term hexadecimal dates to 1954. It is unclear who invented the current hexadecimal notation - most likely IBM. Not all computers used hexadecimal until the end of the 70s or later. Hewlett-Packard continued to use octal instead of hexadecimal until after 1980.
The letters are used for programming Or for entering numbers in hexadecimal notation
Memory Range.
memory range
In decimal notation it would be 999,999. However, as the base was not specified, if you use base 16 (hexadecimal notation) it would be FFFFFF or 16,777,215 in decimal.