Divide the original denominator into the new denominator.
36% as a fraction in its simplest terms
0.576 as a fraction in lowest terms is 72/125
0.255 as a fraction in its lowest terms is 51/200
There can be no such thing as a highest terms of a fraction. If you have a fraction x/y then (n*x)/(n*y) where n is an integer greater than 1 will be an equivalent fraction and it will be in higher terms. Since there is no limit to how large n can be, there is no highest term.
Divide the original denominator into the new denominator.
Yes, it does. For example (3/5)^2 = 9/25 < 3/5
36% as a fraction in its simplest terms
0.84 as a fraction in lowest terms is 21/25.
0.875 as a fraction in lowest terms is 7/8.
3.2 as a fraction in lowest terms is16/5
0.168 as a fraction in lowest terms = 21/125
0.375 in a fraction in lowest terms is 3/8
The lowest terms of 0.875 as a fraction is 7/8