The highest common factor is 14
The greatest common factor (GCF) is: 14.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 98, 42 is 14.
For the values: 98, 42, 36 the LCM is: 1,764
For 98, 154, 182 the GCF = 14
It is 1 but the highest common factor is 14
The Greatest Common Factor of 42, 56, 98: 14
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 42, 98, and 112 is: 14
The Greatest Common Factor of 154, 98, 42: 1414 (x 7, x 3 and x 11)
The greatest common factor is the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers.42: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 4298: 1, 2, 7, 14, 49, 98The GCF of 42 and 98 is 14.If you're not a good guesser the best way to go about doing this is to list all the factors of each number, like so:42-- 98--1 12 23 76 147142142Well, I did not list all the factors of 98, but I know that since 98 is not divisible by 21 or 42 that the greatest common factor is 14.Answer: 14
There is no highest common multiple of 56, 98 and 168. Their highest common factor, which you may have meant, is 14.
The GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of 63 and 98 is: 7
The GCF is 14.
The common factors of 42 and 98 are: 1, 2, 7, and 14
The GCF is 14.
The GCF is 14.