The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
highest value of a 10-digitnumber = 9,999,999,999
In the highest place value.
Digits in a Place ValueOnly one digit can be written in a place value.
The highest individual digit is 8, but the 4, in the hundreds place, has the greatest value.
The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
highest value of a 10-digitnumber = 9,999,999,999
A million (largest value, with 9 in that place, is 9 million).
In the highest place value.
The billions place is.
Digits in a Place ValueOnly one digit can be written in a place value.
The 1 - it is in the thousands' place.
The highest individual digit is 8, but the 4, in the hundreds place, has the greatest value.
Yes. To compare numbers, start with the highest place value digit and if they are equal compare the next place value digit (to the right) until a difference is found. For 1.07 and 1.4: the highest place value digit is the ones digit; they are both 1, so compare the next place value digit: the tenths: for 1.07 it is 0 and for 1.4 it is 4; 0 is less than 4, so 1.07 is less than 1.4
It is the first digit which represents: 2,000,000,000 or 2 billion