The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
highest value of a 10-digitnumber = 9,999,999,999
In the highest place value.
The highest individual digit is 8, but the 4, in the hundreds place, has the greatest value.
The value of a digit in a number is called its place value.
The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.
highest value of a 10-digitnumber = 9,999,999,999
The billions place is.
In the highest place value.
The 1 - it is in the thousands' place.
The highest individual digit is 8, but the 4, in the hundreds place, has the greatest value.
A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.
The 8.
5. The only even digit is 8, so that must be last. The remains 3 digits 5, 7, 9 form the largest number when the highest digit is in the highest place value, the next highest in the next highest place value and so on, ie 975, giving the four-digit even number 9758 with 5 in the tens place.
In the number 7854.209, the place value of the digit 7 is in the thousands place, the digit 8 is in the hundreds place, the digit 5 is in the tens place, the digit 4 is in the ones place, the digit 2 is in the tenths place, and the digit 0 is in the hundredths place. Each place value represents a power of 10, with the leftmost digit being the highest power and the rightmost digit being the lowest power.
A whole number does not have a place value: only a single digit in a number has a place value - a different place value for each digit.