999 - 1000
In the decimal system, the largest digit in any place is 9.
The smallest 5 digit number you can write is 10000.
999999 and -999999
1We can not start a three digit number with 0, so 1 is the smallest digit.
999 - 1000
The largest single digit in our numerical system is 9. Once you write 10, you have two digits.
I assume you mean three-digit number. The individual symbols used to write a number (0, 1, ... 9) are called digits.Here is how you can solve this: The highest number you can write with three digits (that doesn't necessarily fulfil your conditions) is 999. Calculate its square root; round the result downwards to the nearest integer; square it again; add 1.
In the decimal system, the largest digit in any place is 9.
Three hundred, Bro!
To show the number three million two thousand, you would write it as 3,002,000. The comma separates the millions place from the thousands place. In this number, the digit 3 is in the millions place, the digit 0 is in the thousands place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.
The smallest 5 digit number you can write is 10000.