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In spite of scattered traces of occupation, little is known about early Māori on the island. Coastal settlements were not large and the island was sometimes used as a refuge from the mainland during warfare. At various times there were settlements at Port Pegasus/Pikihatiti, on the eastern coast from The Neck southwards to Tikotatahi Bay, and Port Adventure. Waka (canoes) from Murihiku (Southland) crossed Foveaux Strait to and from Rakiura, Ruapuke, Rarotoka (Bench Island) and the Tītī/Muttonbird Islands.

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Q: What is the history of the year 1850?
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Was 1850 a leap year?

Since the number 1850 is not divisible by 4, 1850 was not a leap year.

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It happend on 1850.

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California joined the Union on 9 September 1850.

Which book provides a concise history of European history 1750 - 1850?

"The Atlas of European History" is a book that provides a concise history of Europe from 1750 to 1850. Another great source for the history of Europe is an organization called "The Consortium of European History".

What year was it during the Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 took place in 1850.

What Republican won the presidency in 1850?

No one, as 1850 wasn't an election year.

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There were 365 days in 1850.

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What is something that happened that changed history before 1850?

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