1.39 = 139/100 in fraction
One ml is equivalent to one cc
cc (cubic centimeter) is a unit of volume, of the piston or pistons. It can't be directly converted to a unit of power (kW or horsepower), although it is certainly one of the factors that makes an engine more powerful (other things being equal, more cc means more horsepower).
139 is an integer. The simplest way of expressing an integer as a rational fraction is to write is as a ratio to 1. Thus, 139 = 139/1.Having done that multiply both the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of this fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.
No way exists to compare horsepower to cc. The metric equivalent to horsepower is kilowatts. cc is volume. It would compare to fluid ounces in the English system.
I'm not an expert by any means but your dealing with apples and oranges. Horsepower is of course a measure of power whereas cc is a measure of displacement. I don't know what is the equivalent of horsepower in the metric system.
CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.
Horsepower does not convert to cc: ci or cubic inches does. Horsepower is a measurement of work, cc and ci are measurements of volume
CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.
CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.
CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.
13.93 horsepower for 209 cc engine
Cc's do not relate to horsepower. Cubic centimetres (cc) is the measure of size of the engine. Horsepower is related to the engines type and tuning.
There is no direct relationship between a cc and horsepower. 10
CC is NOT correlated to Horsepower. Cc is merely the capacity of that engine, NO relationship to horsepower.
HP does not directly relate to cc