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Q: What is the host portion of
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What are two parts that make up network address called?

Network Portion Host Portion

The rightmost part of an IP address is the?

host portion.

Which value represents the host portion of IP address with a subnet mask of

Seeing as the IP address of is a class B network, the host portion is 10.11

What portion of the host nation must not be jeopardized by the unites states and allied forces?

Host nation infrastructure

What portion of an ip address resembles

Host ID

Which dotted decimal number is used to distinguish the network portion of an ip address from host portion?

subnet masks

Which dotted decimal number is used to distinguish the network portion of an IP address from the host portion?

Subnet mask

When the host portion of an IP address is all binary ones?

The host portion of an IP address of all zeros indicates that you are referring to 'this network'. For example, the address means the network 145.5

How do you know which bits are host bit in a subnet mask?

Since a subnet mask is used to separate the network id from the host id, any 1 bits indicate the network portion and the 0 bits indicate host portion. As an example, in the subnet mask: This indicates the first two octets are used for the network, and the last two octets (ipV4) are used for host portion of an address.

How do you know how many bits represent the network portion and the host portion?

When we express an IPv4 network address, we add a prefix length to the network address. The prefix length is the number of bits in the address that gives us the network portion. For example, in /24, the /24 is the prefix length - it tells us that the first 24 bits are the network address. This leaves the remaining 8 bits, the last octet, as the host portion.

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What portion of the host must not be jeopardized by the US and allied forces?

bilateral agreements