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second digit to the right of the decimal point.

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0.02 - the 2 in this example. If you type this into a calculator, you will get 2/100, which shows this clearly :)

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It's the second digit after (to the right of) the decimal point.

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Q: What is the hundredth place in a decimal?
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The second to the right of the decimal point.

Which is hundredth?

The second place to the right of the decimal.

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In 0.30 the hundredth place is the zero directly to the right of the three, in this case. The hundredth place is always two place to the right of the decimal point.

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Hundredth is second place to right of decimal point, so the answer = 3.14

Which point is the hundredth on a decimal?

The hundredths place is the second to the right of the decimal point.

What is 0.778 round to the nearest hundredth?

When rounding a number to the nearest hundredth, you look at the third decimal place. In this case, the third decimal place is 8, which is equal to or greater than 5. Therefore, you round up the hundredth place. So, 0.778 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 0.78.

What is the hundredths place?

In the number 123.456, the digit 5 is in the hundredth place. The hundredth place is two digits to the right of a decimal point.

How do you write to the hundredth?

Underline the hundredth or second place past the decimal. Look at the third place past the decimal, the thousandths place. If it is 5 or more then rewrite the number changing the underlined number to the next number.