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1 Let the sides be: x+4.75 and x

2 If: 0.5*(x+4.75)*x = 135.375

3 Then: x2+4.75x-270.75 = 0

4 Using the quadratic equation formula: x has a positive value of 14.25

5 Therefore: sides are 14.25+4.75 = 19 cm and 14.25 cm

6 Using Pythagoras: 192+14.252 = 564.0625 and its square root is 23.75

7 Hypotenuse: 23.75 cm

8 Perimeter: 23.75+19+14.25 = 57 cm

9 Check: 0.5*19*14.25 = 135.375 square cm

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Q: What is the hypotenuse and perimeter of a right angle triangle when one side is greater than the other side by 4.75 cm with an area of 135.375 square cm showing all work in logical stages?
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