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Q: What is the ideal measurement for a women with height 5 foot 3 inches?
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What is an ideal waist measurement for women?

about 22-30 inches I should say.

What size is a 5 foot 8 inch women?

For the measurement of height the formulas are-: cm x 0.39* = in in x 2.54 = cm Therefore if a women is 5 foot 8 inches her height in centimeter is 5 foot x 12 inches =60 inches 60 inches + 8 inches = 68 inches 68 inches * 2.54 = 172.7 centimeters

What is the ideal height for women?

i am vey thin i want to fat what can i do for that

How high are the olympic hurdles?

42 inches for men and 33 inches for women.

What is the ideal weight for 4 foot 9 inches?

The ideal weight for both men and women of this height range is between 48 - 52 kgs. Weighing more than this is not recommend for this height range as it would put too much stress on the bones even if the fat % is low

Ideal weight for 18yr old 5.8 height women?


What is the ideal height difference between husband and wife in terms of good looking?

There is no 'ideal height.' It's whether you love that person or not. You can have very tall men with very short women; the woman can be quite a bit taller than the man. Example: My husband is 6' 6" tall and I'm 5' 6" tall. Love has everything to do with it and not height.

What are ideal body measurements for women?

36" - Bust 24" - Waist 36" - Hips This is an universal measurement and accepted by all over the world. However, according to British measurement system, they prefer 34-24-34. This 36-24-36 are achievable mostly by Indian women but tough for the women from other parts of the world.

Ideal weight of women at age of 21 having height 5 feet?


What is the Average Hight of a Woman?

Figures published by the National Center for Health Statistics ...Average Height of a Woman in the United States ...Adult female in the United States are about 5 foot 3.8 inches (164 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Canada:Canadian women are about 5 feet 3.4 inches (161 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in India:Indian women are about 5 foot 1 - 2 inches (155-158 cm) (which is the maximum in the continent of Asia)...Average Height of a Woman in China:Women in China are about 5.foot 08 inches (154 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Japan:Japaneses women on average are 5 foot 6 inches (170.68cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Germany:Women in Germany are about 5 foot 4 -5 inches (164.59 - 167.64 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Frances:French women are about 5 foot 3.7 inches (163.67 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Iran:Iranians women are on average about 5 foot 3 inches (161.54 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Iraq:Iraq's women are about 5 foot 1.3 inches (156.36 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Italy:Italian women are about 5 foot 4.2 inches (165.20 cm)Average Height of a Woman in Australia:Aussie women are about 5 foot 4.5 inches ( 166.11 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Belgium:Belgian women are about 5 foot 4.3 inches (165.50 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in South Africa:South African women are about 5 foot 2.5 inches (160.02 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in Sweden:Swedish women are about 5 foot 7 inches (173.73 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in the Netherlands:Netherlands' women are about 5 foot 6.4 inches (171.90 cm) ...Average Height of a Woman in New Zealand:New Zealand's women are about 5 foot 5 inches (167.64 cm ) ...Average Height of a Woman in England:British women are about 5 foot 4.4 inches (165.81) ...

A women with a waist measurement of 30 inches and a BMI of 21 is considered?


In percentages.what does the term overweight mean?

For men overweight is 5% over their ideal weight for their height and it is over 13% the ideal weight in women.