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Not less than double the highest frequency component of the signal you're sampling.

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Q: What is the ideal sampling frequency?
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State sampling theorem?

sampling theorem is defined as , the sampling frequency should be greater than or equal to 2*maximum frequency, and the frequency should be bounded.. i,e fs=2*fmax where fs= sampling frequency

How does the sampling oscilloscope increase the appearent frequency response of an osciloscope?

A: A sampling scope is not real time scope but rather a hi frequency rate of sampling which benefit the observer

What is the relation between sampling frequency and wave frequency?

The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem states that in order to accurately capture a waveform, the sampling frequency must be at least twice the frequency of the waveform. If the sampling frequency is too low compared to the waveform frequency, aliasing can occur, resulting in distorted representations of the waveform.

What Steps to take when selecting a suitable sampling frequency?

The Nyquist Theorem says that the sampling frequency should be twice the bandwidth to avoid aliasing. Thus if the bandwidth of the system is bw then the sampling frequency f=2*bw.

If sampling frequency doubles then what happens to quantization?

If the sampling frequency doubles, then the quantization interval remains the same. However, with a higher sampling frequency, more quantization levels are available within each interval, resulting in a higher resolution and potentially improved signal quality.

What is the difference between sampling frequency and frequency?

frequency is simply the rate at which something is happening, ie the frequency of Christmas is once a year, the frequency of having breakfast is once a day etc. If frequency is expressed in Hertz, it's how many times something happens during a second. Sampling is, well, sampling. Usually means testing and measuring something changeable. If you're running a bath and occasionally stick your fingers in to check the temperature, then that's sampling, Sampling frequency simply describes at which rate you're making whatever test or measurement it is you're talking about.

What is sampling frequency?

Sampling is the process of splitting analog signals intodigital signals.In Frequency Sampling the frequencies in a particular values split-ted according to the time, it will be split-ted intodigital values like binary values.

What uis the sampling rate for PCM if the Frequency ranges from 1000 to 4000 Hz?

As we know that the sampling rate is two times of the highest frequency (Nyquist theorm) Sampling rate=2 Nyquist fs=8000hz/8khz

If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with the highest frequency at 600 Hz what should be the sampling rate?

The Nyquist Therorem states that the lowest sampling rate has to be equil to or greather than 2 times the highest frequency. Therefore the sampling rate should be 400Hz or more.

If sampling frequency doubles then quantization noise?


What is the relationship between sampling rates and frequency of the modulating signal when using pulse modulation?

The sampling rate must be at least double the highest frequency component of the modulating signal in order to avoid frequency aliasing.

If sampling frequency doubles then?

not sure what your asking, but if you are asking what i think your asking, you have to sample at least at twice bandwidth of the frequency you are sampling. This is known as Nyquist Rate